These non-biblical elements change the normal Christian life from a daily enjoyment of Christ as life to creedalism and Christ-less religious duty. However, what we see today in Christendom in the organized system of “Christianity” falls far short of this reality and is characterized instead by the mixing of many foreign elements into the pure divine revelation that is found in the Scriptures. The Bible also reveals the church as the Body of such a Christ to be His enlargement and corporate expression (Eph. 3:8), the eternal God who became a man (John 1:1, 14 1 Tim. The Bible reveals Christ as the unsearchably rich One (Eph. The Divine Revelation in the BibleĪs believers, we love the pure revelation in the Bible. This is an attempt to scandalize Christian readers against us and against our critique of today’s “Christianity.” For this reason, we feel obligated to make our position clear to all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Harvest House has been actively seeking to influence public opinion against Living Stream Ministry and the local churches by publishing out of context statements.